Art practise is a weird psychological thriller swimming around in your head at least most of the time.
I was going to paint a fish on a piece of wood. This happened…

I had better thoughts but they were lost in the void between when I made the decision to create my fish and when I actually got around to it. Still, he’s an engaging little fellow even if he can’t swim, wiggle, blink at me or flap about.
The end result was also dependent on all the bits of wood and the process of assemblage and finish and sanding and about me generally being a pedantic nut-case about it all. Compared to what I thought might come about given my original intentions this result is a watershed of ideation – like being thrown out of the asylum for not being insane enough.
I’m psychologically exhausted – and I have more of these sitting around in progress!
Update: Swordfish – not wired but a final version that began like this:

…and ended up like this:

hmmm…. doesn’t swim very well though.